Patient Info

About Podiatry

Are podiatric treatments covered by insurance plans?

In Québec, podiatric treatments are not covered by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ). However, part of the costs are reimbursed by the majority of private insurance plans, including the costs of plantar orthoses. This is why it’s important to ask your insurance company which care and treatments are covered by your insurance plan.

Workers who receive indemnities paid by the CSST, SAAQ or Department of Veterans Affairs can benefit from coverage that will ensure the full reimbursement of podiatrist fees and costs of plantar orthoses, subject to certain conditions and authorizations. Simply ask for information during your next visit at the clinic.

Social assistance beneficiaries can benefit from partial coverage ensuring reimbursement of the costs of plantar orthoses.

What are the differences between a podiatrist and an orthotist?

Podiatrists obtain a Doctorate of Podiatric Medicine after completing a university-level program of studies spanning over 4000 hours. Orthotists obtain a college diploma after completing a program of studies on the manufacture of orthoses and prostheses of all types.

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How are podiatrists trained?

The Diploma of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) is an undergraduate doctorate obtained after a 4-year university-level program of studies. The program includes general training on human health (anatomy, pharmacology, biochemistry, physiology, histology, microbiology, internal medicine, psychology, etc.), specialized podiatric medicine courses, and multiple clinical practicum

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How do the clinic’s podiatrists work?

Clinique podiatrique de l’Estrie podiatrists work along with physicians, physiotherapists, chiropractors, kinesiologists, and many other health professionals. Thanks to the collaborative work of this multidisciplinary team, patients can be sure to be provided with a large array of care to stay active for as long as possible.

General Advice

What kind of socks should I use with my shoes?

Choosing the right type of sock for your shoes is important, as socks that are too thick risk compressing your feet. Socks that are too thin risk causing your feet to joggle and rub against certain parts of your shoes.

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What women's shoes should I avoid? And use?

Western women tend to select shoes based on criteria that have little to do with a shoe’s primary functions. Colour, shape, aesthetic qualities and fashion trends are among the first selection criteria, which is a serious mistake.

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How to choose the right size for shoes?

The required shoe size varies depending on the length, width, and thickness of your feet. Surprisingly, no internationally recognized norm or size system exists for shoes. Shoes are manufactured using templates whose dimensions vary from one manufacturer to the other, and even from one shoe model to the other. Nowadays, manufacturers virtually no longer produce half sizes or shoes of varying widths.

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Advice Following Treatment

What guidelines should be followed after surgery for an ingrown toenail?

1 – prepare a solution containing:
1 litre of lukewarm water (4 cups)
4 ounces of vinegar (1/2 cup)
1 tablespoon of salt

2 – Immerse the foot in the solution for 15 minutes.

3 – Remove the foot from the solution, and then apply peroxide.

4 – Allow the foot to air dry for 15 minutes.

5 – Apply the prescribed ointment, followed by a dressing.

Perform this treatment 2 times a day until the date of your next appointment. If you have any questions, contact one of the clinic’s assistants.

How to reduce foot perspiration and bad smell?

To reduce foot perspiration and bad smell, follow the following advice:

– Fill a container with lukewarm water.
– Add salt (until the water becomes saturated and the salt stops dissolving).
– Immerse your feet into the solution for 10 to 15 minutes.
– Perform this treatment 2 or 3 times weekly.

What guidelines should be followed after treatment for plantar warts?

Plantar warts are transmitted in humid public places, such as pools or showers, through direct contact of the foot with the floor. As such, avoid walking barefoot in these places. The virus is not transmitted by pool water. Still, the water must comply with the Regulation respecting water quality in swimming pools.

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What guidelines should be followed when first wearing plantar orthoses?

Plantar orthoses are manufactured using casts, the results of the biomechanical exam, and podographies. They must be worn exclusively by the person for whom they were designed.

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Advice for Children

What does science say about children’s shoes?

Appropriate shoes are essential to the healthy growth of feet. As such, inappropriate or low quality shoes risks impairing the child’s growth and have serious consequences in the future.

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When should a child see a podiatrist?

Foot conditions can be present from birth. They must be treated as early as possible since developing bones, which are softer than mature bones, respond better to treatments.

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Should children be allowed to walk barefoot?

It’s important for babies to get used to wearing shoes, and to make young children understand that they must wear shoes whenever they are standing up and active.

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How to choose children’s shoes?

From 0 to 8 months
Throughout this period where children do not walk, shoes are unnecessary, and even contraindicated. You can still choose supple shoes with or without soles. Babies’ feet should be free from all constraints.

From 8 to 30 months

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What makes good shoes for children?

The necessary qualities of shoes vary widely depending on children’s age and needs. Here are some basic concepts, advice, and suggestions to help parents.

Generally, the price of shoes is a strong indicator of their quality, but this criterion is not foolproof. To evaluate the overall quality of shoes, each of their main components must be examined carefully.

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What bad postures should children avoid?

To make an appointment, call us at 819 820-1157