Biomechanical Exam

Any good exam begins with anamnesis and a review of the history of the main and secondary troubles. The podiatrist then uses palpation to accurately identify which structures are at the root of the patient’s complaint.

The biomechanical exam itself follows: static, posture, decubitus (lying down) and dynamic (gait). The static consists of several tests, including the static unipodal stance position and the relaxed calcaneal stance position. The postural exam serves to evaluate the pelvic level and detect the presence of deformations such as scoliosis or lordosis. The dynamic exam must qualify shock absorption, among others, and detect lameness. Among much information, the decubitus exam (lying down position) must detect the presence of discrepancies in the length of lower limbs, digital deformations, or of an equinus. A detailed description of each element of the biomechanical exam goes beyond the purpose of this text. The full biomechanical exam consists of more than 70 tests and examinations per foot.

Certain complimentary exams (radiography and medical imaging, gait analysis devices, medical tests, etc.) can be useful to complement the biomechanical exam.

The podiatrist then compiles the results of the exam to produce a diagnosis, and determine whether the use of plantar orthoses is appropriate.

To get an idea of the complexity of the biomechanical exam, click here to display the form we use at the Clinique podiatrique de l’Estrie.

Foot Biomechanical Exam

To make an appointment, call us at 819 820-1157