Orthoses for Sportspeople

Feet are heavily used in sports and physical activities. Each sport activity has its own distinctive biomechanics and appropriate footwear.

Clinique podiatrique de l’Estrie podiatrists are able to treat acute or chronic injuries and provide advice on the type of physical training that best suits patients’ needs, and on the type of shoes that should be worn to prevent or heal foot conditions.

Sportspeople often suffer from:

  • Sprains;
  • Fractures, stress fractures;
  • Periostitis;
  • Tendinitis, tendinosis;
  • Contusions;
  • Lacerations, and;
  • Other ailments that cause complex and various pains.

Clinique podiatrique de l’Estrie podiatrists have access to an impressive therapeutic arsenal: orthoses, splints, anklets, pharmacological treatments, exercise programs, manipulations, and therapeutic bandages. Furthermore, they can provide useful advice on the type of shoes that is best adapted for any given sport activity. In certain cases, wearing plantar orthoses may even improve performance!

Orthoses for Sportspeople

Heating orthoses

To make an appointment, call us at 819 820-1157